Deadly Codes
02 May 2017
Although ethics exist all around us, there are several ways in which ethics can be interpreted. Ethics, in a very general sense, is having the ability to determine what is right from wrong. This determination will then lead us in...
Software Engineering
Case Study
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The Best Love-Hate Relationship (For A CS Student)
23 Mar 2017
As a computer science major, I have dealt with several different languages, platforms, coding standards and operating systems. With each new “relationship” I forged, I’m trying to see which relationship I like the best, the one relationship I will have...
Software Engineering
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Smart Questions
26 Jan 2017
Asking a Smart Question In How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, an essay written by Eric Steven Raymond and Rick Moen, the authors pointed out several different strategies to post a “smart” question on different forums. They explained that...
Open Source Software
Smart Question
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Group Work Is So Elementary ... Not
20 Jan 2017
What is Configuration Management? Configuration Management(CM) is one of those concepts that may seem elementary, but once a group starts to work on code together, it becomes evident that there are several things to consider when working with one another....
Software Engineering
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