Wattpad is a site where millions of users around the world can either share their stories they wrote or read other stories and give writers feedback on their stories. However, Wattpad prides itself as being more than just a platform to share stories. As stated on their website, Wattpad describes itself as the following:
Wattpad takes everything you love about storytelling, and turns it into a social, on-the-go experience. The result is a one-of-a-kind adventure in creation and discovery.
To date, more than 45 million people around the world have joined Wattpad. We’re proudly based in Toronto, Canada, but Wattpad stories transcend borders, interests, and language.
To date, I have 15 stories posted on the website, all listed on my profile. I am currently working on my second novel. All my stories are fiction and are purely written for fun.